Who Am I? (19)

I make a lot of diplomatic statements; statements like "Generally it is considered..." or "some of us do this...". And the reason for me being diplomatic is that there is always someone who can get hurt by reading whatever I have to write. I know it's silly, it's my blog, I can write whatever I want to, and I do. It's just that when you hurt no one and still make a point and make that strongly enough, the sense of satisfaction is just a lot higher.
Hello there, I'm the Earthian.
Now, some of you can get skeptical; am I truly that person who cares about people getting hurt or am I just being diplomatic because I'm a scared mouse deep inside? And trust me, it is a very valid question indeed. I am scared. Scared of saying the wrong things. Scared of generalising my own personal opinions. Scared of offending people with the words I use. But most of all, I am scared of getting hurt myself. You know what  people really, generally, like to do? Rub your own words on your own face. The satisfaction they get out of hurting you out of your own words is just so immeasurable, apparently. And I am scared of being at the recieving end of it.
But the bigger question is, is being diplomatic equivalent to being fake? Because that's what a lot people get confused about being diplomatic. When I'm diplomatic, my opinions about a certain topic are not changing. My way of conveying those opinions that changes. I can be someone who names people out, calls people out for their mistakes, bring myself a lot of trouble doing so or I can make diplomatic statements about whatever I have with someone and try to settle things down in a more civilized way. My basic morals, my basic conscience, my basic knowledge about my subjects are not in the least bit changing. All I want at the end of the day is to convey my point and I want to take no prisoners with me while doing so. My opinions are nevertheless honest, unbiased and unprejudiced. However, it is just outrightly impossible to be diplomatic when it comes to certain things about life. And I feel so sorry that these situations actually exist.
Will get into that more sometime in the future, with love, peace.


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