Almost all of us want to be relevant. You know what, I am going to make a non-diplomatic statement here and tell you that in true fact, we ALL want to be relevant. Relevant to the people we love, relevant to the work we do, relevant to the art form we're in to, relevant to the life we have and just relevant to whatever it is that is relevant to us.
Hello there, I am the Earthian.
And not all of us are blessed to have the relevancy that we want to have. Some of us literally have to work hard to build something up from the scratch and then watch someone else whisk away everything that we've worked for in an instant. I can quote examples but we all know examples are not proofs. There just isn't anything that is going to make us feel better, especially when we literally get robbed off of our designs.
You know, there is a reason why they say we need to protect ourselves in every way we can. We literally need to protect our dreams, our goals, our form of art and just everything about us because the world out there is filled with people who just don't give a dime about anything about you. Before we seek ways to become relevant to the rest of the world, we need to take a hard look at the person we see when we stand in front of the mirror and ask that person "how relevant are you to yourself?" Because there is just every chance for us to forget how relevant we are to ourselves. I mean, think about the last time you did yourself a favour. If you are struggling to find a memory of you doing yourself a favour, you probably haven't done one yet. I'm not denying that there are people who just keep doing themselves a favour, but you know who I'm talking about.
The most important thing about relevancy, as far as I understand it, is that it starts with you. Are you important to yourself? Do you stand up for who you are as a person, no matter what? Do you own who you are, completely? Or are you ashamed of just being an embarrassment? I can promise that once we start appreciating our own selves, once we start actually being relevant to ourselves, we for sure will be relevant to the right people.Not to everyone, but to the right ones. There are right people, trust me. It will feel right, being relevant to them. It will feel like it was meant to be.
Lots of love, peace.
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