
It really is unfortunate that the people we overlook are often the ones who are extremely dear to us. We don't necessarily do it purposely but we do indeed do it a lot and a small part of us is always left wondering about "what if I hadn't overlooked them", when we drive them too far away from us,  and the answer is painful, mostly because it is impossible to be answered. Sometimes the ships just sail and there isn't a lot that we can do about it.

Hello there, I'm the Earthian.

But why do we do it? I have a couple of theories. Every relationship that is formed is formed on a few grounds. These grounds could be our interest in the person we're forming a relationship with, how close we get and how soon we get close to them. Sometimes, everything happens extremely fast. And when it is this way, people only get to know what they're looking to get to know in the other person. Romantic relationships fail often because they take things too fast and when they get to know more sides in their partner than the sides they knew, it would bring the end to it. Relationships with our friends are also the same way. Initially, everything that's common pops up and bonds are super swell. With time, the differences pop up and that has every potential to ruin the friendship.
But it's not just friends and romantic partners that we tend to over look. Sometimes, we do it to our own family members. But this time, it's our priorities that gas the act of overlooking them. A part of us, since it believes we can always hangout with them at any time whatsoever, forgets to actually hang out with them. And this, may not necessarily happen to a very high degree, will drive family members away too.

Making time for people we love, actually conveying the fact that our dear ones are actually dear to us to them through gestures or just plainly words is considered corny and hence a lot of us refrain. But when we actually tell the ones that they mean something to us, it really just tightens the bond. Because knowing someone cares is a very intense feeling. A feeling a lot of us long for. Ponder.

With a heart full of love, peace.


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