
Sorting out your day, prioritizing your activities and completing your tasks is extremely liberating. It can be quite strenuous, but when you actually start doing it, when you do one task at a time and cross of items from the list you've made for yourself, you will be surprised by how much you can accomplished. Going with the flow is important too, when it comes to having fun in life, but when you have goals to achieve, targets to hit, there is no better way to do that than by organising your day and prioritising your tasks. I haven't always been this way, but ever since I started doing it, doing my tasks any other way feels extremely stressful and boring. There just isn't another way I would recommend to anyone either. You can literally fit in all of what you want to do in your schedule and have lots of time to spare that you can use to just have fun, if that's all you want to do. Most people have fun first and then focus on tasks, which often produces poor results as there usually not enough time after having had fun for a while. Just try it out, sort out your schedule and be diligent about it. You'll know want to go back.

Love, peace.


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