Being Tidy.


Should your home and work place be tidy? Yes, absolutely. Not only does it show someone’s discipline and their level of respect to their hard work, it is also an immense indicator of their organizational skills. Life gets so much easier to manage if everything we use and own has a place, at home and at work. There is nothing more painful than when we are in a hurry and we need to find something important in the clutter of our desks. We are going to get frustrated and irritated at ourselves, which has every chance of ruining our time and our day completely. Organizational skills can tell a lot about a person too, it can tell us how effectively and efficiently they operate when given a task, it can tell us how much importance they give to the tasks assigned to them, it can tell us how much they truly care about the task they perform and much more. I can personalize this and tell you that back when I was in school, not only did I not like doing my homework, I disliked it so much and didn’t care about it so much that even when I happened to complete it, albeit at the very last moment, I did not bother to sort my desk and pack it. I would go to bed without bothering to tidy my shelves and pack my bags, and when I wake up the next morning, things would get really frantic and panicky and I just wouldn’t be able to find my homework and pack it. This has happened several times and it is not until recently that I have started enjoying being tidy, organized and systematic about my things. Everything I have is because of someone’s  hard work and me keeping my things untidily is just not the right way to show my respect to that hard work. I understand that nobody intends to disrespect anyone’s hard-work by being untidy, some of us are just lazy, but it still isn’t a valid enough reason to always be in a clutter and a mess. Of course, this habit cannot be changed overnight, but with enough perseverance and discipline, it is not impossible to turn the tides. The best way to approach this, especially if you’re lazy, is by starting slow and always reminding yourself that you’re only helping yourself. You’re unlikely to lose or misplace your possessions, you are unlikely to be angry at yourself and have your day ruined, and life is just going to be so much simpler. You’ll eventually fall in love with it and wouldn’t want to be that cluttered mess ever again. Start slow, but keep going.

Love, peace. 

An Earthian. 


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