
As humans, we trend to be drawn towards those things that we are able to relate to. Mostly because we understand those things that we are able to relate to. And those things that we relate to the most are what we are drawn to the most.

Hello there, I am the Earthian.

And sometimes, very occasionally, we relate to people. People we don't necessarily know personally, or even as a stranger. We relate to media personalities, famous artists of various fields and even sometimes our own friends who we adore so much. And when we're drawn to people we know, we just get a little too attached to them emotionally. We relate to them because we see bits and bobs of our own selves in these people. We don't just find these people very relatable, we also find them to be better versions of ourselves, in fact, we find them to be the people we aspire to be ourselves, and so we just start idolizing them and idealizing them. Now, all of this is perfectly normal. Its how we operate, humans, but sometimes, just sometimes, those people we idealize just aren't the perfect people we think of them to be. In fact, they are very much susceptible to everything that we ourselves are susceptible to, including those things that we consider mistakes. They make them too. And when they do make mistakes, it hurts us more than it would when the same is being committed by the people we don't idolize. And its not their fault. People are flawed, people do make mistakes and people learn from them, you, me and just about everyone else. And every time they make a mistake that we just aren't able to digest, we start scraping out the image we formed about them, they cease being the perfect people we thought of them to be.

But the truth is, they are perfect. Just like you are too. Perfect just the way they are, maybe its us who misinterpreted them, maybe its us who never really understood them in the first place, maybe its us who only saw what we were looking for in those people and were blind to see anything else in them until that mistake they make that makes us look only at their flaws and nothing else. And this just isn't fair. Not in the very least of ways.

Love, peace.


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