
You know sometimes the only solution left is to break it. Carrying any form of negative feelings in the heart in the hopes that they'll someday become positive is not in the least way going to help us and I really think it's a lot better to just walk away when the time is right with zero ill feelings.

Hello there, I'm the Earthian.

There could be a million reasons why things didn't work out and there could always be that small ray of hope that things probably will get fixed even after that. It's one thing to be hopeful, I am all for that, but when all that hope does is ruin your mental peace and take away your sleep at night, you really might want to reconsider your choices. Who's to be blamed? You? Them? Both? Neither? I don't really have an answer to that question. All I know is that we all are entitled to our own feelings and that all of our feelings, irrespective of whose it is, are important. Sometimes, it's nobody's fault. Sometimes, life just likes to take us on a ride and pin us down and it's when you're being taken on one such ride that you need to remember to stay level headed. It probably feels like it one hundred percent is the other person's fault but it isn't. Neither is it yours. It's just the way it is and you really need to want to see this to see this, feel this and eventually come to terms with it.

Lot's of love, peace.


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