
Certain things in life you don't expect. You don't really see it or feel it coming your way until the moment it actually does and hits with everything it has got within itself. And then when things slow down, you again start wondering where it went away and how it came in the first place and your mind just goes berserk thinking about it.

Hello there, I'm the Earthian.

These are what I'd like to call, storms. They come in and devastate you physically, mentally and emotionally and they leave a mark in your heart that's so deep that even when you're asleep, you feel it's presence. There's not a day that will go by without you thinking about all that it brought to you. Sometimes, it comes in the form of people. People who aren't necessarily bad, but definitely people you don't get along well with. Nothing about you and them defines anything close to being in the same vicinity of positivity. Its all hatred and then a little more of it. Sometimes, it comes in the form a life changing event. Whether it be you losing someone important in a frigging instant, or you take stupid impulsive decisions purely because you've lost your mind, these affect you just as badly as people you don't sync with. Or maybe, you just fall into a pit and never come back up because you subliminally are enjoying the falling down part, even though you know its eating you alive from the inside. These storms hit all of us, at different points in our lives, sometimes more than just once. And there's not a lot we can do about it. Remember though, they will pass too.

Love, peace.


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