A Safe Haven.

I am conflicted. On the one hand I strongly believe that I believe in life. And on the other, I keep letting myself down. Like I am the source of 'everything me' and 'everything me' hasn't been a lot of fun to experience. Because I keep letting myself down.

Hello there, I'm the Earthian.

And I pretend like I'm not. I pretend like I'm okay when I'm not and something about just accepting it and conquering myself just doesn't seem to happen, ever. I keep telling myself that it's important for me to stand back up again no matter how many times I fall down but I don't seem to be truly accepting the fact that I've fallen down and that I'm hurt. I acknowledge it, sure, but that's how far I go. I try to look past it without ever trying to find a cure for it. Maybe its a pride thing, or an ego thing to not seek cure, especially when I believe with so much conviction that everything I need is right with me. But then again, I choose to ignore them too, to search for something that I know will only hurt me more. I need help and I don't know where to seek it. Wait, I do know. I just have never wanted to actually do it. Until today, this very moment. Let's see where it takes me, hopefully some place safe.

Love, peace.


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