
I wonder if there is a way for me to turn off that switch that makes want to over think and therefore do overthink about every little detail about life just because I can and just so I have enough information about whatever it is that I'm looking at.

Hello there, I am the Earthian.

Not going to lie, sometimes, the only person who drives me crazy is my own self. Its not a bane by any chance. I mean, after-all, it is what makes me me. You know what I'm saying? But at times, it gets frustrating. Knowing its impossible to get every little detail I am longing to know and still wanting it with all of my mind just drives me nuts and I just can't help it. Maybe I can. I just need to get acclimatized to being in the dark about things in life. Its about understanding that sometimes, it just never is enough even if I have everything I think and need and then some. The insatiable part inside of me needs to get used to not knowing certain things and it needs to understand that its okay to not know things at times. Maybe it also needs to appreciate the things that it already knows and keep it simple. Maybe it needs to understand that the darkness really isn't all that bad. Maybe it needs to learn to be at peace with what it knows and what it doesn't. Maybe that's all there is to it. Appreciate the darkness and be at peace.

Love, peace.


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