
Sometimes people just have to do it, don't they? People just have to become crazy and they just have to say those things and do those things that are designed to outrightly hurt someone, don't they? Its so easy for them to forget who they were or what they've been through to get to where they are. They wouldn't mind losing all of what they had built in a life time for a second of momentary pleasure. Not that they choose to do it, just that they get so carried away that it becomes almost impossible for them to control who they are.

Hello there, I'm the Earthian.

Certainly an interesting concept, I reckon. I mean, to have that level of control over our own selves, to have that kind of emotional balance, to have that sort of mental stability must be good to have, I suppose. I've come across very few who actually have that sort of control over who they are. Us humans are used to reacting to diffusions. We believe our tendency to react to situations is involuntary and I agree, it is involuntary for the most part, but I'm sure all of us have our own regrets for reacting and not taking the time to process the story the way we would have liked to. Oftentimes we let our situations dictate the actions we make. Situations are in no way, shape or form in our control. But our reactions are. Or at least, they should be. But even they aren't as handleable as they sound like. Maybe they are. Maybe its us who subliminally just choose to be a consequence of our situations. More to say about this surely.

Love, peace.


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