
I like how people have different philosophies that they keep in mind and go through with for the rest of their lives. Everyone has something to say about what life is really all about. And every single time I listen to someone encapsulating the whole marvel that life is into a tiny little phrase that goes something like "Dream big, do bigger", which by the way is not my very own quote just in case you're wondering, I get awestruck.

Hello there, I am the Earthian.

I don't have my very own favourite personal quote, but I do enjoy listening to all of what people have to say. Because its these mantras that oftentimes bring out the best in people. Its what motivates all of those who look to be motivated in a way and any motivation is good motivation, if you ask me, as long as the motives are good.
There are so many reasons for us to feel down, for us to feel bad and to feel sad. There really are. And there just aren't enough reasons to bring out the best in us, and I don't know about anyone else but I just know for a fact that there is a huge gap between what we can accomplish and what we think we can accomplish. Our nature of settling to mediocrity has just grabbed us by our necks and we, well, we are okay with it, most of us. And in a time like this, when I see someone actually being motivated and looking forward to etching their way into this world, well, its just really heartwarming. There just aren't enough of these people. And if these mantras help, I'm all for them.

Lots of love, peace.


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