His Side
The only real problem he had with her was when she walked away. It didn't matter why she walked away. He couldn't take it, couldn't take walking away for no apparent reason. He wished she had stayed but she was so far gone and so long gone that all he could ever do was wish. He watched her walk away from his life, from him, step after step. He tried calling out, but it wasn't of any use for she had already made her mind up and his calls reached ears that were ordered to ignore and even though she turned back from time to time, his voices didn't do a thing to her to make her stop walking away.
Yes, there were conflicts, yes, tides had turned, yes, things had changed between them. But none of that affected him as much as the walking away part. For a very long while all he could do was wonder where she was, how she was, and not being able to get answers to these questions slowly ate him up alive. He felt betrayed. He felt cheated time and time again, for he got reminded of all the promises they'd made to each other, promises of how they'd, no matter what, never leave each other and fix things or at least attempt to do it if things ever got rotten between the two of them. But there she was, gone, right in front of his eyes with him stripped off of all the power to even think of bringing her back.
He wanted to understand it, the situation, he wanted to understand her, and her reasons. But he couldn't because he was told he was destined for better things than her. He was told he deserved so much better than her, he was told he was just too good for her. As flattering as all of these are, none of them were even close to being reasonable for him. Because she doesn't get to decide what he is destined for. She doesn't get to decide what he deserved. Being "too good" was an excuse in his eyes. A way of shifting the blame from where it actually belongs and that's all he could see. That's all he was willing to see. It all looked like one big cover up story. He felt like he was the one responsible for everything and that it was him who was to be blamed. A small part of him even wondered why she just would't say this out loud and then walk away instead of just lying to him.
Either way, it was going to be a loss for him, and he just couldn't handle that loss, not any time soon at least. He missed her. And there was nothing he could do about it.
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