Right Ones.

There will be times in our lives where we'll be made to meet with predicaments that just are plainly horrible. Because no matter what we do, we'll either feel bad or we'lll be made to feel bad because of the choice that we made. So what do we pick?

Hello there, I'm the Earthian.

The fact of the matter is that there really is only one choice that we know is right. And that choice is bound to be a choice that you'll have to make all on your own. Even if it means that its a choice that will make you come out as the most selfish and heartless person in the world to the world, but, not to worry, because deep inside, if you're strong enough, you'll be able to remind yourself that whatever you did was indeed the right thing to do. You just have to believe that. Because remember, it is the right thing to do. Remember you have a life of your own and that its you who's going to live it for as long as you're going to live. And there are always going to be people who are going to make you feel bad about whomever you are as a person. Even when you've done nothing wrong. Because that's what people do. Critics are what people are. They are just not going to even understand that you have your own side of the way things unfolded. Its just the way things are and its fine. If everyone deserts you, its still fine. You'll always be fine, for as long as you believe in yourself. And the right ones will stick around. I promise.

Love, peace.


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