A Lose Thread.

Sometimes, we hang by a really lose thread, a thread that has no surety whatsoever of staying put, a thread that very well might get cut, a thread that very well might not even exist. And we do so because there is a certain part inside of us that just believes that falling down is just going to be an experience we wouldn't like. It is that part of us that would desperately not want to let go, that would desperately not want to fall down.

Hello there, I am the Earthian.

And desperation is never a good thing. Maybe that is too bold a statement but anything that makes us desperate makes us paranoid, makes us scratch even if we don't feel itchy, and most importantly, any thing that makes us desperate, makes us vulnerable. And especially when we are hanging by a lose thread that promises nothing but uncertainty, we are bound to get hurt. Granted, we could just very well be hanging for a long, long time if we get a tad lucky but the odds I think are not in our favour. And this is just when we are hanging to things desperately. It's a whole different game if it is people we are hanging on to desperately. Puppets are what we'd become and it is that same thread by which we are hanging that we will be manhandled with. They'd never let us go, accepted, but, they'd also never help us up. A laughing stock, a weakling is what we'd make out of ourselves and with the added despair, we'd only stay that way for an eternity.

Letting the thread go, falling down, though is not uncertain. In fact, it is certain in every way plausible. There really is only one outcome. We crash and burn. We break our bones, tear our muscles, even get beaten to within an inch of our lives, but we'll survive. For if we are strong enough to let it go, we will be strong enough to climb back up without even having to use the rope ever. 

Sometimes, it really is very, very simple. Just let go. You might not enjoy the falling down process but you damn sure would enjoy the rejuvenation. It can only get better. Perhaps, ponder?

Lots of love, peace.


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