I often get asked about why exactly I'm doing whatever it is that I'm doing, how exactly the activity that I am engaging in is helping me, what lessons I'm taking away at the end of the activity and other similar ones. It always apparently comes down to productivity and profitability (monetary).
Hello there, I am the Earthian.
Somehow, if I am having fun doing something and if it generally isn't profitable (monetarily), it isn't worth doing is what I am told. I am also told to do certain other things that are sure to help me and put me in a good position in life.
Where it gets really fuzzy for me is when I am told to also learn to have fun doing these helpful activities. Because it is not plausible to do something and have fun at the same time without having prior interest in whatever it is that I am doing. And it confuses me even more when those people who have fallen for this trap of "doing only productive and profitable things" start feeling guilty about those things that they actually love doing. I mean, why go through this chaos willingly in the first place?
I guess a part of people believes being rich and well would equal to being with zero problems. I can't verify that. What I can verify is the fact that turning your own life into chaos in hopes of being in a situation that isn't chaotic is just illogical. Maybe it's all just me.
Love, peace.
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