It's Okay.

I guess it's very fair to say that there is just not a lot of us who has figured out everything that they want to figure out, everything that there is to figure out in life. I've learnt that its okay for us to not have things figured out. That it is okay for us to be in the confused state of mind that we are in, that it is in fact very much okay for us to be who we are, the way we are, however we are, irrespective of how much we think our life is disoriented.

Hello there, I am the Earthian.

For some reason, we just have this tendency to be harsh on ourselves. Maybe we just think we know ourselves all too well and that it is because of that we think it is in fact okay for us to belittle our own feelings, whatever they are. I am not entirely sure this is a good idea for from first hand experience, I've learned that you get treated exactly the way people want to treat you and usually, nobody is looking to treat anyone well without ever having something good to receive in the first place. But then again, you can argue anecdotes aren't proofs and your argument would be very valid. My reality may sound too harsh but I wouldn't change anything about the following words; we live in a very cynical world. Maybe we don't intend to live cynically, but we do in fact live that way. Some thing about the natural world order makes us assume we are some how superior, assume that we are for some reason important. Not that I am saying that we aren't but maybe we should reconsider that.

The point I am trying to make is that we all have different stories, stories that are indeed worth listening to. Some of us are good story tellers, the rest of us don't tend to have too much flair for it. But it just wouldn't be fair on our own part to just assume that it is not okay to be who we are just because we are constantly made to feel self-conscious. We are wherever we are because we have been through whatever we have been through. I agree, maybe we should try to move on and adapt to the fresher reality that's right in front of our eyes but not all of us have the same rejuvenation period. Being who we are, as long as we aren't hurting anyone in any way, shape or form is indeed okay. Maybe hard to gulp it down, but at least try chewing it.

Lots of love, peace.


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