Human Nature?
Human beings are mysterious creatures. They never cease to surprise me. I mean, with all the things that people are capable of making up, with all the things that people are ready to do, with all the things people have built up within themselves, you never really know someone. Because just when you might start thinking you know someone, you'll be proven wrong and that will only keep happening, if not with all of them, with most of them.
Hello there, I'm the Earthian.
Numerous times I've been baffled with the consistent inconsistency that people expect me to be okay with. I guess there is something very funny and entertaining about letting someone get comfortable with us, gaining their trust, making them share their vulnerabilities, potentially even making them believe we're good and then shattering them by using all of the above right back at them. I guess this is what "giving back" means, I just didn't expect that phrase would be as trivial as it actually is.
And my curiosity gets a whole new level of satisfaction when people just forget every good act a person has done when they fail even in the slightest possible ways. It's really, really surprising when they utter the rudest of words at people they claim to be friends with. And it's even more surprising when they tell me that it's all a part of friendship, being ungracefully rude and blunt. It supposedly strengthens the adhesion people have it seems. I'd verify, but I'm rather skeptical here.
Utterly surprising, isn't it, human nature?
With love, peace.
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