
Not every lie that people tell come from a bad place, not every lie comes from a spiteful place, not every lie comes from hate, jealousy, ego and other forms of negativity. In fact, some of them come from a really good place, some of them come from a very beautiful place. It's just, no matter where they come from, they are going to always hurt us.

Hello there, I call myself the Earthian. Join the movement?

And no, I'm not trying to romanticize the act of telling lies. However, there are some lies that people tell each other with very good intentions, intentions like making someone feel better, helping them out with something, maybe giving them some form of reassurance. Because at the end of the day, reassurance is always warm and is something that a lot of us long for, so in a way, people who lie with good intentions believe any reassurance is good reassurance. And it almost works too, it really almost works, our reassuring lies. Until we find out the truth that it was lies that reassured us and then our emotions take a big turn. I mean, it's pretty easy for us to figure out lies. Literally lies will have 'lies' written all over it. We'll feel betrayed and in a way, that is justified too, because the reassurance that we received came out of pity. Unless we are someone who likes being pitied, in which case its a win-win, its only betrayal.
Lies complicate life, is how I see it. Truth, though, simplifies it. Even coming clean simplifies all the lies that we told to cover up one single root lie, ending so much drama. Its not even a matter of pride or honour, being truthful. It's a matter of simplicity. And hey, if you're thinking honesty can break relationships you adore, well, you're totally right. But I'll still be with it, for a relationship made of lies is any way not going to last. At least I'll know what relationship with whom is real and what isn't.

Lots of love, peace.


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