Being Mean.

When I was in the sixth grade, as it happened every year, a couple of new classmates arrived. Like the most of us, I wasn't too fond of that change in environment. I mean, it really wasn't as big a change as it was an addition, but the sheer fact that there was an outsider in our class, someone who wasn't there before, made me extremely uncomfortable.

Hey there, I am the Earthian, back after a quick hiatus.

And apparently, it made a few other classmates of  mine a little uncomfortable too. I can't speak for the rest, but me, I really wasn't too welcoming and warm to them, neither was I cold but the apathy, I could see, didn't help me. Then came one of our teachers and introduced the new kids to us. She could see how the new kids were being treated. Just like I was apathetic, most of us were and so the new kids had to settle for being isolated to the corner of the classroom. And this teacher, for the first ever time, told us that it is extremely important to make each other feel at home, for we were going to spend a lot of time with each other. The kid that I was didn't understand this concept until after half a decade, when I was the new kid, somewhere else, different story for a different day. Anyway, the reason why I didn't mingle was simple. The new kids were new. And that made them different and I was being the mean kid just by making them feel like they were different. I mean, did they do anything wrong? Absolutely not. My acceptance, my tolerance were the only issues here. It was only later that I realized that making someone feel like they are different in a very bad way is one of the meanest things I could do.

Something that we often forget is that people know about themselves a lot better than we think they know about themselves. We don't need to remind someone who has weight issues of their obesity. We don't need to remind someone if they have teeth that look a little different. We don't need to remind someone of their appearance. We don't need to remind someone of their lack of knowledge on a certain subject, I mean, if we could help them, a big thumbs up, but if we choose to not help them but still mock them for that, then the biggest of thumbs down for that. We don't need to tell people about them. In case we do choose to do it, why not look at all the beauty that a person packs? I mean, this will at least make their day. Ponder.

Lots of love, peace.


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