A mistake that I never intend to make but have made several times is rushing things. I've become so much better at not doing it any more though, so I can say I no longer do it, at least not nearly as often as I used to. However, I still do see hundreds of instances of other people still doing it, and I see it on a daily basis. I see people rushing into romantic relationships to become intimate because of how attracted they are to each other, I see people rushing into taking jobs mostly because of how much the job pays out, I see people rushing into fights with one another purely because their egos got hurt and exacting revenge, in their minds, is the only way to make themselves feel better. Almost none of these activities that are rushed end well. Barely any even have anything positive to offer when all is said and done. It just does not do any good. I know and I understand one hundred percent the adrenaline dump and the excitement that one feels but life isn't going to be determined by moments of endorphins rushes, life is so much more. Letting anything that is not helping you get the best of you control you is foolish. Even your emotions. Keep them in check. Try to ask yourself why you feel the way you feel and if you can do it better. Odds are, you can do it better and you will do it better, if you take your time. Patience, my friend.
Love, peace.
An Earthian.
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