I'm not always going to make sense. And I am certainly not going to make sense to everybody. But the point is that I don't have to. Not everyone needs to understand me. As a matter of fact, nobody needs to understand me. And I am quite sure that nobody will understand me either, and I say that with no disrespect to anyone who's every tried to and have felt that have understood me. You see, I am not a scientific concept that is universally true bar its limitations. I am a human being with a head full of dreams, a heart full of hope and eyes full of water. None of anything about me has to make sense to anyone else who isn't me. I don't have logical explanations to my actions, I don't have the thesis and the practical evidence to say that my thoughts are sensible thoughts. It is not even my intention to make someone understand me. I say the things I say, sometimes with a message, but always with the hope that someone who listens to me resonates with what I have to say to some extent. That is all my intention is. And before anyone points out, I don't try to understand people. I don't want to, I don't need to. I either accept them if I want them in my life, or I stay away from them, wishing them well all the same. That's it from me today, see you soon.
Love, peace.
An Earthian.
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