
I get a lot of people telling me they would be so much better at whatever they do if the circumstances were right and when the timings are perfect. And every time someone says that, I think to myself "thank you, captain obvious, that's information I've never been given". Wouldn't that apply to literally everyone on the face of this planet? Everyone would just absolutely thrive if things were set up perfectly for them. But them not being perfectly set up is exactly the point too. That's why only the best of the best come out on top, that's why people who work the hardest, people who grind out results even if the situations are stacked against are known as true winners. Sometimes they don't even come out on top, but they push their boundaries and their limits as far as they can and break all the barriers they can break. People who are winners don't always win, but they try. They try without ever complaining, they do it without ever feeling bad for themselves and those are the people who inspire me. That's what I want to look at, hard work and a smile that stays with it. 

Love, peace.


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