
 Things to remember, number one, we deserve exactly what we earn. There is no point in me arguing that I deserve more, especially when I've done only the bare minimum of what is required for us to break into something. Most people we meet will also exactly that, the bare minimum of what is required to get things done. While that may be "smart", it never will fetch you your true dreams. Just for instance, there are millions of good writers, there are only a handful of great ones. There are thousands of good footballers, there are only a fistful of legends, there are tons of good musicians who can make cover songs, there are barely a few original composers. What is the difference between these people? Between the good ones and the ones who really excelled? Well, firstly, they want it more, they want to leave a bigger and stronger mark. And secondly, and most importantly, they don't just stop at the bare minimum. They push and push and push until they no longer can, but they never stop trying. You take a bump and call it quits, they roll through pain and ask for more. Everything they have are things they have absolutely earned. That's their way of life. 

Love, peace.

An Earthian.


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