
We get very few opportunities to redeem ourselves for our mistakes in the past. And we only have to do it for ourselves, for our sake, for nothing else absolutely. Any other motivation isn't really motivation for it doesn't last as long as the effect of realization of self-value. 

Hello there, I'm the one who wears the name tag 'the Earthian' around here and tell tales.

 We make mistakes on a daily basis, some of us more often than not. It doesn't matter if we do them intentionally or unintentionally, what matters is that we make them and the first step to redemption, the very first step before we can improve, before we can even think about improving, is recognizing we messed up, accepting we messed up and truly realising that we indeed messed up. That's half the closure right there. Analysing why we did what we did, understanding our behavioural patterns and working on it is an optional but useful step to know ourselves better and I recommend everyone to introspect and get closer to yourselves. You just might like it. But if the why is something you feel is irrelevant and that what's relevant is what you do next, consider keeping yourself otherwise occupied. Occupied in ways you know you want to but are always slacking off. You see, it's just as easy to build a good habit as it is to build a bad one. Consistency and discipline are your answers.

Love, peace.


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