Admission 3.
I know I've written only a couple of articles titled "Admissions", but neither one of them was as tough as this one is, as I'm writing it, word by word, letter by letter. I feel guilt, shame and embarrassment to the highest possible levels but it has to be said and it has to be said now.
Hello there, I'm the lad who hops around calling himself 'the Earthian'.
I am in more ways than one, lazy. And I have been disrespectful towards myself for a very long and meaningful period of my life by just not valuing my time nor what I offer and bring to the table as my talent. I have, for long, been polite enough to treat everyone else well but I never applied that same formality on myself. Not that I have completely learnt from my mistakes and am no longer that way but I am indeed very grateful for the fact that I have at least recognized it and how it has been weighing me down. Self respect, dignity, courage, self love, all arise from that place in your heart which demands more from you towards yourself, so that, in essence, you learn how to treat others for you have learnt what it is like to be treated badly. When you walk all over yourself, it'll be a cakewalk for everyone else to do the same and that is never what you want.
Love, peace.
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