Admission 1.

Sometimes I feel jealous. Jealous of people I know, jealous of those I don't know, but jealous nevertheless. And until today, I've always tried to deny the fact that I'm jealous. I've tried pretending to be happy, tried pretending that they don't affect me, but ultimately, the truth is the truth. They do affect me and there's no point in me trying to fool myself, I literally know what's true and what isn't.

Hello there, I'm 'the Earthian'.

I've tried long and hard to no longer be jealous but the only way, it seems, to get there is by accepting it, processing it, and allowing myself the time I know I need to move on. And believe me when I tell you, I feel better already, as I write these words. It is absolutely nothing to be proud of, my jealousy, but I guess it isn't entirely useless for it has allowed me to write to this very article about myself, at this very moment. This is as as embarrassing as it can get, admitting I get jealous for the reasons both profound and general, but it doesn't matter for I think there is only one way for me to come out of this, and that's is better, at least better than I was before I wrote this article and that is reason enough.

Love, peace.


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