A Thought.

I'd say the most popular answer to "what would you like to do in life?" is "I want to bring about a change in this world, it is so not right, it isn't fair, and we need to make something happen".

Hello there, I'm 'the Earthian'.

And I am one hundred and ten percent with everyone who says that. However, almost next to nobody has a clue about how to bring that change. People cannot even agree upon the type of change they're looking to bring. And as silly as it sounds, it is very real that we just have no idea of how to execute this because we just are so large in number and the odds of us all coming together on a single idea is undeniably small. We are, however, very capable of getting in small groups of people with our own agendas as our priorities, and that has been happening very evidently. We all fight for so many different, separately, equally humane and good causes and that is a solution that works, however meek it maybe because no cause is getting the attention it deserves.  I share this with you, not with the intent of trying to demean whatever little that has been and is being done, but just to share that this is what humanity has to come down to, this desperate, desolate state where positivity is hard to come across. Positive people too are few and far apart. Nothing is lost though, as long as we choose to wear a big, bright, radiant and dazzling smile and have the courage to do it without reason.

Love, peace.


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