
What are you trying to prove by constantly putting out there your self proclaimed righteousness? Who cares if you're right or wrong, apart from yourself, especially when we have more important issues to pay attention to in these unprecedented times?

Hello there, I'm the Earthian.

The very fact that you're trying to monger hate even when there are millions suffering from several kinds of ailments is in itself despicable. You can claim that you do have the right to speak, which I don't deny, but I can still condemn it. It's not the right time to point fingers, neither is it the right time to think about conspiracy theories. When there's so little that we can do, doing something that adds to up to the issue in hand is purely illogical. Save your attention seeking banter for later. You're important, sure, but not so much that you deserve the world's attention. Sorry, to say.

Love, peace.


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