My Traits.
Sometimes I forget that I am only as useful as what I have to offer and that if I don't have much to offer, I am not all that useful to all those who consider me friends.
Hello there, I'm the Earthian.
Whether it is my time that I'm offering, or it is my work, or it is a helping hand, or it is my money, or it is anything else that can even be remotely addressed as valuable to the people who consider me close to them, I am only useful or valuable for as long as O keep offering them whatever it is that I'm offering them. Once that stops, so does everything else. And I can't even blame them for it for I am not a person with a lot of interest in keeping hold of people any more than they want to say. No, I'm not trying to pretend to be super independent nor am I trying to boast about my ability to just be on my own, all I'm doing is accepting what I think are my traits. It doesn't necessarily make me feel any more happy than I am otherwise, but I do wonder what it would be like to have good friends. I mean, I for sure used to have a couple when I was younger, people I wouldn't have to think twice about talking to them about just anything that comes to my mind. Ah, can't really complain too much, it is what it is.
Love, peace.
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