Acceptance Can Be Hard.

It's understandable that sometimes we struggle with our feelings about ourselves. We feel like we're not enough and our self worth plunders at times like these. It's important that we endure these feelings rather than run away from them because they aren't not important.

Hello there, I'm the Earthian.

But we very rarely come across someone who sees through all of it and sees a person who's completely different than the person we see when we look at the mirror. And my suggestion if you have such a person in your life is that keep them as close to you as possible. I understand your primary instinct is to run away from them, run away as far as possible from them because you think you don't deserve them. But you do, you do deserve them, and you do deserve the very best. It's very hard to witness someone else accept you the way you are when you yourself don't but try, it's a request. Because you my friend, deserve the very best.

Love, peace.


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