Interesting Core Structure.

One of my personal favourite things to do is have personal conversations with people and get to know their line of thoughts. I love getting to know people's philosophies and what drives them in lives.

Hello there, I'm the Earthian.

There is some vague satisfaction in knowing how different we all are as people and realize that it's very much okay for us all to be exactly the way we are and nothing more or nothing less. We're all so different yet so very much similiar in the way we operate in life. We seek the same things, people to care about and people to care about ourselves. We seek love, selfish or otherwise, but definitely do seek love. We seek ears to listen to our rants and stories and we seek ears that would do the listening part without judging us every tenth of a second. We seek gratification and we seek attention from people and recognition in every small way possible out there. We seek connection even though we try to pretend we're not really looking for it. And it's all very, very interesting to me, human life and how it's core values.

Love, peace.


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