Who Am I?(27)

I'm a hard person to deal with for those who try to run over me, I'm not to be taken for granted and I can get absolutely vicious when someone tries to dominate me. 

Hello there, I'm the Earthian.

I like it when people deal with me softly, I like it when they respect my space and I like it when they agree that we can always agree to disagree. I don't like having arguments with people and I don't like it when I'm told how to behave and what to do in order for me to be a better person. Am I perfect? No. I've never claimed myself to be, there is obviously this huge gap between the person I am and the person I'd like to be and it's always a working progress. I like having fun, I like to have funny conversations where people do appreciate competition but also are willing to shake hands when it's all said and done. That's what I enjoy and obviously there are always going to be people who don't agree with me but that's okay. This is me.

Love, peace.


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