A Curious Thought.

I wonder what about authority is fascinating or attractive, is it the fact that it gives you an opportunity to exert your authority over others so that they feel terrible about themselves and find themselves developing a sense of hatred towards you, which in turn gives you a sense of accomplishment that makes you crave more of what you think you just accomplished?

Hello there, I'm the Earthian.

That particular introduction, is from a genuinely curious part of me and in no way is written to insult anyone of authority for I am very well aware of the existence of simply beautiful people who also a certain level of authority to their name. The curiousity arises especially from the behaviour of those who misuse and abuse power and why it is they do what they do. I am no way, shape or form judging them either, as long as they aren't committing what is considered illegal by law. Is it a result of a bad bringing up? Perhaps a little bit of jealousy? Maybe just a misconstrued sense of bravery? Again, simply curious, for it does seem immensely abnormal for me, from a spectator's standpoint.

Love, peace.


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