Immaterial People.

Sometimes you just don't have time to feel sorry for yourself or feel bad about the little things that usually would drive you insane. Those things that you're made to think that they define you or the quality that you bring to the table, sometimes just disappear. They just stop mattering because you start understanding that you're so much more than how far they could ever even dream of defining you. They just don't matter. This applies to people too.

Hello there, I'm the Earthian.

And sometimes, the people who we have always suspected of being not the way they portray themselves to be but have always given the benefit of our doubts anyway, in fact prove to us that they don't deserve our benefit. The fact that they try too hard to change the way we perceive them rings an alarm in our minds so loudly that even they possibly hear it. And maybe that's why their behaviour becomes even more erratic. Their true intentions, whilst they try very hard to not reveal to anyone, becomes so evident with their attitude and just their vibes. Nothing about them would feel real and absolutely nothing about them would feel true, yet you'd feel them try so very hard to not make that impression on you. The harder they try, the more they fail. And at some point, they become so immaterial to you, they become so irrelevant and just so insignificant that you arrive at the conclusion that they just don't deserve any part of you including your time, energy and your thoughts. You even start feeling sorry for them deep inside your heart because that's all at this point you have to offer. And the moment you escape their vision which you know is imminent, a newfound freedom is what you know you'll feel. And that's all that'd matter.

Love, peace.


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