
I wonder why it is our performance under stress that counts more than the performance we put up when we're more naturally in a comfortable state. I mean, does the fact that I'm performing so well even in such a state of mental agony prove that I'm capable of solving problems that exist around me?

Hello there, I'm the Earthian.

Because, as far as I can see, my performance is the worst when I'm in a stressed out zone. When I'm made to feel something's importance in such an unnatural way and when I'm made to believe that whatever it is that I'm trying solve has the keys to unlock the treasures that I've always sought, I'm more involved in remembering the consequences of me failing than the actual unlocking process and my natural abilities drastically fall down. I underperform. And that's what people use to judge me. And I get it, I get how and why apparently its my performance under the most stressful situations is that what matters. What I don't get is the concept of creating and simulating stressful situations. I mean, I believe people can tap into their potential and perform so much better if people are just completely stripped off of the concept of situations. My ability to perform is not something that needs to rely on the pressure factor. My talent is my talent irrespective of the competition I have, irrespective of the size of the audience and irrespective of how each and everyone feels about the talent. And somehow, oftentimes, we just succumb to these factors believing they are the criteria to be matched for us to actually get successful. Not that its right or wrong, just that its irrelevant, the situation.

A lot more to be said on this. Love, peace.


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