Fighting Odds.
I just don't know where this wave of negativity comes from and hits me. Because everytime it does, it occupies my mind for a long, long time and refuses to leave me until after I succumb to it and get drained. And its not as easy as it sounds.
Hello there, I'm the Earthian.
They come in from out of nowhere, even when nothing even remotely negative is happening anywhere close to where I am and strike me down. The more I fight against it, the easier it becomes for it to win. The only way to deal with it is by going through it I guess and going through is not as easy as it sounds, if at all it sounds easy in the first place. But, at this juncture, easy is not a way I'm looking for. It doesn't matter if its easy or hard. I just don't get to decide the level of comfort in my path. All I get to do is sit on the driver's seat and take life as it comes for what it is. The hope is that the negativity will go away, and that it will go away sooner than later. The hope is that no matter how often it strikes me, I don't go down for it, and that I have at least just enough left in me to rise back up, one inch at a time. The hope is that I don't become a side effect of my negativity, because whilst it affecting me is completely dependent on chance, it overtaking me is a choice. And I like my fighting odds.
Love, peace.
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