A Promise.
What has become of me is a person who just wouldn't stop over analyzing every single activity that I do. The only person I'm constantly letting down is myself and the only person who is too critical about me is myself. Sometimes, most times, its the fear of not being good enough to reach my own standards, which is absurd, because being afraid of it is just totally not going to be of any help.
Hello there, I'm the Earthian.
I think of myself and I remind myself of all the times I've failed. I deem myself as someone who just is always going to be not enough. Sure, I probably let down most people but all of them are irrelevant. But when I deem myself useless, when I don't even consider giving myself a fair chance, when I'm someone who just believes that my whole existence is pointless, when I'm convinced the whole of point of my life is to be a second rate version of my own dreams, aspirations and my own grand picture, I take away the essence of my own life. Just like everybody else, I too don't have any right to undercut myself and put myself down for no apparent or real reason. Because there aren't any real reasons. I'm second to none, and this is my healing journey. It starts here. Maybe it would end here too. But it definitely starts here. Is it going to take time? Is it going to be hard? Is it going to take effort? Is it going to take a lifetime? Probably even more? Its all fine. No more letting people disrespect me. This probably be will be the only thing that I know for sure will be worth it.
Love, peace.
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