Set Backs.

Sometimes the mildest of news can tick us off the wrong way. The mere fact that something remotely negative has taken place is good enough, sometimes, to not just ruin the moment, but ruin the whole day. Maybe even more than just a single day.

Hello there, I'm the Earthian.

And there's no coming back from that point on because it'd feel like everything you've worked for, for so long, is being taken away in an instant that is totally uncalled for. A part of us would feel like we deserve better and we just wouldn't be willing to budge and accept what everyone else wants us to accept and to appreciate what we do have and not complain about life. But we aren't really complaining, are we?
Determining your own self worth and establishing your own boundaries is nothing short of showing yourself some respect but chances are, people are going to shove you by telling you that you don't really deserve anything until you've proven your worth. And they're not entirely wrong, but as long as you know how diligent you truly are and how deserving you are of everything you think you've worked for and as long as you have the conviction that you're on the right track, I don't think you deserve to get told what you deserve. You really are worth way more than anything materialistic, in fact, everything materialistic put together. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with establishing that.

Love, peace.


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