Tunnel Vision.

Sometimes, we get to learn that certain things are not meant for us. They just aren't, and coming to peace with that, coming to terms with that, accepting that, even though it's so hard is what is going to be one of the biggest, if not, the biggest grind of our lives.

Hello there, I'm the Earthian.

Hope is beautiful. Hope is what pushes me to see another day, hope is what drives me to witness another sunrise and hope is clearly what gives me the little motivation I have to go on. But sometimes, hope also gives me this false sense of reality. A sense of reality that makes me want to not believe the fact that I get to see right through my eyes, the fact that I get to listen to right through my own ears and the fact that I get to feel right through every nerve of my own body. It pushes me into not believing in any of my own senses, and always makes me believe in what is never going to happen.
It's either magic, hope, or it's tragic. There is no in-between and there are no shortcuts. You get what you deserve no matter how much you think you deserve better. That's just the way it is. Sure, you can throw your tantrums like you're a toddler lured by a denied ice-cream but I think you and I both know that it's of no use. It hurts.

Maybe it's not hope that pushes me into this side of the pond. Maybe it's the obsessed side of mine. Obsession of twisting reality in a way it blindsides me. And that tunnel vision of reality is what is the problem.

Love, peace.


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