The Process.

We live in a world where people are becoming more and more objective. People no longer are as interested as they used to be in just being present in the moment. And with good reason. There are like a million deadlines to meet. Corporate deadlines, household deadlines, financial deadlines and even personal deadlines.

Hello there, I'm the Earthian.

Even taking the time to connect with people, making time to get acquainted with new people and friends and staying in touch with the dearest older ones is a tough task to continue to do. Along the way, we forget about the person we always dreamt, as kids, of becoming and we find ourselves being someone who just is lasting and is making ends meet or is desperately trying to do so. We get tired of being this way, we get bored, we get agitated a lot more easily with progressive time and even the slightest of mishaps finds itself having the potential to put us in a very bad mood for a very long time.

All we think of when a task is thrown our way, these days, is completing the task. We just want to get it over with and move on. But move on to what? Another task. And then another one. And then one more. Maybe one more after that. And then a couple more following that and it just doesn't end.
When the results come our way, it's all well and good, but when they don't, things are going to get rough, moods are going to swing and emotions are going to burst. It is almost all about the results.
But it doesn't have to be this way.

All we need to do is try and enjoy the process of doing the task. The reward acquired by enjoying what we do is far greater than the reward we are going to get by just merely completing the tasks. Taking eating your favourite food for instance. The result when you're eating your favourite food is an empty plate, which I don't reckon is as rewarding as the process of savouring each and every second of the food in your mouth. Very clearly, it's the tasting and the relishing part that brings us more joy. Even if it was a bad analogy, apply it to the other tasks you're given. Trying and learning to enjoy the process is far more enjoyable than the end result, on any given day.

Lot's of love, peace.


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