
When do you think events are the most enjoyable? Is it when it happens according to plan or is it when it happens as a surprise? Is it when things happen when you know they're going to or is it when they happen all of a sudden, right out of the blue?

Hello there, I'm the Earthian.

The answer to that question would depend on the person it's being asked to and there is quite the possibility for people preferring it equally on both ways. But, I think it's fair to say that everyone enjoys a pleasant, non-startling and a happy surprise. It gets our heart pumping, in a very good way and the better it is, the merrier we get. It also is an exciting feeling when an event takes place in just the perfect way, completely unexpectedly and it makes us ecstatic.
But I'm not here to define what a "surprise" is. Let's talk about why a surprise has that kind of an effect on us, whenever an event takes place, surprisingly. If you ask me, it's because of our lack of motivation in life, generally, that makes us shift gears when something super exciting happens. Not that the feeling of excitement is bad but just why shouldn't we have it all the time? Why should we be ecstatic only when something specially perfect happens? Why shouldn't we take our life by the moment and try to exploit the excitement it has to offer? For one reason, we're not going to get an opportunity to relive it and secondly, why not?

I know my points apply to a perfectly ideal life but then again, why shouldn't our lives be perfectly ideal? I mean, if we embrace everything, including all the good and the bad momens, life will become perfect!

Lots of love, peace.


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