
At some point in our lives, let us all admit, that we have or we will try to impress someone, maybe even a few people. And there will be times when we go head and shoulders above others to grab the attention of a certain someone, not even knowing who they really are. And at the end of the day, it becomes a plain ol' memory for our brain to slowly process out of it.
Hello there, I'm the Earthian.
I know, it's the animal instincts that we posses that sometimes get the best of us. We get caught completely off guard and before we know it, we would have done something that can't be undone. I'm no expert when it comes to impressing people and grabbing the attention of the person we've been yearning to grab but I do know this. I do know that no matter how worthy the person seems, you are more important. Selling yourself short, embarrassing yourself, humiliating yourself and putting yourself in situations that is out of your control zone for reasons like this, is and never will be, worthy. It's not worthy because mostly it is just you that has those feelings about that person and not the other way around.
Ever heard of a symbiotic relationship? Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. What you give, must also be equivalently reciprocated. The virtues that you put forth in front of them must be mutual. Because otherwise you're just going to end up a loser who feels lost for no reason at all.
Think about all the situations you try to impress someone. Be it an interview, an audition, an auction, or even a situation where you are after a potential mate, it's never worth it, if you are selling yourself short, if you are making a fool out of yourself by being a yes-man. Step your game up, find some dignity to yourself, respect yourself and be your own true first lovers. Because like you may have heard before, no-one else is going to love you if you can't do it.
Lots of love, peace.


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