Insult? Think.

Something that makes me really angry, something that really puts my mood off is a random person talking to me like he or she has known me for like over a decade.

Hello all, The Earthian here.

I don't know why people do it, I don't quite understand why people think it's cool to talk to someone like they know them.
I especially don't know why people think it's okay to insult a random person in the name of fun.

Maybe it's just me, but I find it really annoying when someone comments on my behavior. Someone that I had just recently met.
It's not cool to do that. It's impolite, disrespectful and straight forwardly rude. I know I would never do that.
People may call me sensitive for what I've just said, but that is exactly what I'm talking about. Do not call me sensitive, after you've abruptly given me a name. It's as simple as that.

It's never cool to insult someone and make name for yourself. Never. Unfortunately, like I've talked before, it's become the trend these days. All you have to do to become popular is make fun of other people in a way that will fetch you pride.

I know this may sound petty to be written in a blog, but it's always good to bring out all forms bullying that exists. Yes, this too, is a form of bullying.



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