
The world develops on platforms. Small platforms where millions of opportunities bloom out from. Platforms where everyone gets a share. An equal share.

Hello all, The Earthian here.

So, how equal is today's world?
To answer this question, women usually say that the world is still being "dominated" by men. Men usually say that the world has given too much power to women that there has been a "shift". You know what I mean.
But that's all the opinion we usually get. How come we never even think about the opinions of other forms of life? Hell, we don't even consider the opinion of the third gender in human beings!
Am I asking you guys to individually ask every form of life that's on this planet about their opinions? Absolutely no.
All I'm asking is to not take hasty, selfish, egotistical, and harsh decisions about this planet.
See, money is a funny thing. That's all it is, a thing. But it has brought up a scenario where one who has a lot of it is considered to be influential and can't be questioned at all. It plays a role in every one of the major decisions taken in this planet, visibly or invisibly. Unsurprisingly, it has also made an impact in equality as well. Obviously, the poor people's choices are subdued. Their need is only felt when there is an election going on. After that, once the "influential" get what they need, of course, they are quietly forgotten. This has become a cycle.
Marriages depend on money, mostly. We think education is free to all, but you'll be surprised to know about the many people who aren't even aware of what education truly is. Hence, only those are aware are able to avail,  awareness has a direct link with money.

My question now is, what is Equality?
When did humans become the most important beings on this planet? When are we going to realize that this planet Earth doesn't just belong to one person, one group, one area, one nation? More importantly, why are we not able to see the truly important, bigger picture?
We all are Earthians, first. Unfortunately, we are not taught that.

I'll share more soon, peace.


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