
'Unity' is a word that is fairly misunderstood and misused by all the major politicians and people, all around the world. It has been used in all the wrong senses. Or, at least, that's how I feel.

Hello all, The Earthian here.

As the name itself suggests, you cannot be united if you're split. And we humans are split in so many ways. We're divided on the basis of ethnicity, colour, language, where we are from, what we do, how "educated" we are, how "developed" we are and the list keeps going on. At the end of the day, we just don't realize the simple fact that we are all humans! I mean, shouldn't it be that simple?

Taking a look at history, we find that it's filled with instances of one group of people trying to conquer a certain portion of the world. What's even worse is that, that group that tries to conquer calls it's group "united". I mean, that's how narrow our minds were. People often forget that everything is temporary. Power, wealth, glory, fame, beauty, and basically every worldly pleasure.

So am I suggesting to not seek any of these? Not exactly. I'm just asking people to realize that there is always a bigger picture. For example, only when your country is threatened by another country, you get together with your people and fight alongside with them.
Why can't we apply this logic to the whole world? I mean do we have to face an alien apocalypse just to be united? If that's the case, what's the point of living in this beautiful world of us?
Our minds are always pre-occupied, looking for threats from the outside. But sometimes, the threat comes from within us. Sometimes, it's us that make the choice of destroying ourselves.

I'd love to share more about this. Peace.


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