
One of the main reasons we like tweaking the rules to make things work for us, in our way, is because we don't get satisfied with whatever we have.

Hello all, The Earthian here.

Today, let's talk about how entertainment satisfies us, and also does not satisfy us at the same time.

Let's say you're enjoying a good joke on the feed of your social media. You're having a pretty good time. Your mind gets happy. So, what your mind does is that, it records that you have had satisfactory entertainment, at the same time, making you crave for more. Getting my point? It's like tasting good cake, liking it's taste and going for more. Only here, you feel like you can never get enough of it. Also, this is available all the time. All you need to do to get this entertainment is, search for them. Search for them at the right places and right times, and you become automatically happy.

So basically, you're stripping the sense of true satisfaction from your mind by adding momentary pleasures. Your mind will keep craving for satisfactory pleasures, but never ever will get satisfied. This is where you realize that the control of your life has been shifted from you to social media. It sounds pathetic, but it really does happen. What's a little sad is that there are people who actually believe that that's how life really works. That social media and entertainment is the true purpose of life.

A point to note here is that I have never blamed social media here. It was started with good intentions. I'm only pointing out the exploiters.

Will continue, peace.


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