
It is notable to understand that we don't get to decide the people who like us and we certainly don't get to decide the opinions on us by other people. We can just sit on the sidewalk at certain times and spots in life. (I'm still talking about Social media)

Hello again, The Earthian here.

What I'm trying to say is that, we are putting in way too much of our limited time to what is really not worthy. We always try to be popular, famous. We like being known to people. The idea of someone stalking us give us happiness, not to mention, excitement.
Well again, none of it is wrong. This doesn't do you any harm or bring anyone else any harm.
Whilst they're not of any harm, they're aren't of much good either. Certainly not good enough to spend hours and hours on them.

See, the goal is to not become famous, is to not become the coolest person in the room, it's to not do everything the world considers "cool". The goal is simply to connect with people who make you feel connected with yourself. Period.
It's really easy to confuse socializing with being active on social media. Most do the latter, and call themselves active people of the society, which is a little pathetic. If you really want to be popular, start the actual socializing and use social media to promote who you really are, and not who the world wants you to be. Or not doing something vague to gain attention. You know what I mean.

I'll talk to you soon! Peace.


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