If you're not completely focused whilst doing something, you might as well not do it as it is a complete waste of your time and your energy to be partially focused on activities. The most important part of anything in life is being present. Being present also makes your life easier. It makes you extremely self aware and it gives you clarity in everything you do. Not having clarity is again an issue, an issue that is all too common with people, especially these days where there is so much going on. But if you keenly look, it is only those people who are completely locked in, who are one hundred percent focused, who succeed. All those who are half in and half out fade away with time mostly because when the right opportunity comes, they just don't know if they are in or out. This pattern has always existed. Only the elite come out on top because they are one hundred percent present. It's not rocket science, it's actually pretty simple, but very hard to practice.
Love, peace.
An Earthian.
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