
 Somethings you don't ever do in life: speak badly of people and bully them, target and harass someone, physically or mentally abuse someone, or put them in any state of discomfort for any reason whatsoever. You are not anyone to do such things in life, you have no right to harm anyone whatsoever and if you do it, it only goes to show how little you have in terms of character. Remember we are human beings, being human should be innate. If it isn't, which it isn't for the most of us, it is only fitting that we try to be. There is no point in trying shame one another, trying to attack one another to gain an "edge". First of all, you aren't gaining any edge, and secondly, it only shows your delusion. The world is big enough for all of us to live in, there is no need for us to be jealous or angry or frustrated with each-others' success. If we are big enough to take positive results in life, we are also big enough to digest results that don't go our way too.

Love, peace.

An Earthian.


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